Published 25 Jun 2021

Car Sales Referrals and Reviews: Tips to Selling More Cars Every Month!


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Car Sales Referrals

Car Sales Reviews

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Car Sales Referrals

Car Sales Reviews

The Power of Referrals and Reviews

It’s no secret that car sales referrals and reviews are an extremely powerful way to sell more cars every month. Since customers have more access to information online than ever, these will not only get you more car deals, but deals that start off on a better foot. When a friend or family refers someone to business, an immediate level of trust in the buying process and salesperson is established. Similarly with reviews, when a salesperson has glowing reviews and ratings online, it gives buyers the peace of mind that they are working with someone they can trust. So much so that it can even lead to buyers walking into the dealership and asking for a specific salesperson by name.

Any car salesperson has probably met a seasoned pro that gets a massive amount of deals each month through car sales referrals and reviews. However, you don’t need to be an automotive professional for 10 years to create this kind of network.

In this blog, learn to get more car sales referrals and reviews from car buyers, and as a result, sell more cars!

Ask Everyone

It’s crucial to go for a referral and/or a review with every buyer that had a positive experience with you. Regardless of whether that customer made a purchase or not, you should always ask. The more of these you get, the more car deals you will be able to close every month!

Asking for Car Sales Referrals

For car sales referrals, hand out some business cards and mention that you are here to help. Explain that if they also know any friends or family that are looking to buy, sell, or service a vehicle, that you are always ready to help. This is a soft way to ask for a referral. Oftentimes, the customer might even mention the name of a potential customer on the spot and give you some contact info. If you make asking for referrals part of your exit strategy as a customer leaves the dealership without purchasing a car, it replaces one lost opportunity with a fresh one. In turn, you will discover that you end up selling a few extra vehicles each month.

Asking for Car Sales Reviews

For car sales reviews, texting is a great way to get them and boost your online image. When you’re working with a buyer and have developed a great relationship, text the customer a review link. Text something like:

“Hi (Buyer), I just wanted to thank you for a great experience today. I really enjoyed working with you. Can I ask you a favor? Can I send you a link that allows you to write a review for us?”

Sending the link to the buyer makes it as easy as technologically possible for the customer to actually deliver on the promise to write the review. The best time to get a buyer to commit to writing a review is when you’re standing in front of them. However, if you don’t want to overload the buyer asking for referrals and reviews in one go, the next best option is to ask for a review via text.

Be Like Beyonce

Getting a good review is just the first step. The second step is making sure the buyer uses your actual name in the review. Whenever a potential buyer goes to a review website, you want to make sure that they see good things about the dealership. Additionally, you also want that customer to see good things about you.

That’s because the more a potential customer sees your name online, the more likely it is that the customer will ask for you when they walk in or call the dealership. A quick hack is to always ask for reviews and to request that the reviewer uses your actual name. Once you have piled up a fair number of reviews that mention your name, you will be surprised how many customers you have never met before will walk in and ask for you.

Leave One to Get One

If you want to gain more online reviews, one of the best ways to generate them is to leave one to get one. Basically, everyone you meet owns or works at a business that appreciates positive reviews. So, when you meet people, ask them if you can leave a review. You’re likely to get one in return.

This is a great way for you to also break through to buyers who have gone cold. For example, if you’re leaving a voicemail, you could mention to the potential buyer that you just left a positive review for their company. It’s likely that the customer will call you back based on what you did to help their business. Plus, you will probably get a review for your dealership in return too. If you practice the "leave one to get one" or "give one to take one" philosophy, your positive reviews will pile up in no time.


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