Staff a dealership that you are proud of

RevDojo offers automotive career fairs that suit your car dealership hiring needs.

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Career Fair

Career Fairs are the Missing Piece in Your Dealership's Hiring Strategy.

Attitude vs. Experience: What truly makes the best dealership hire?

In the automotive industry, the age-old debate persists. Is it the wealth of experience or the right attitude that drives success? At RevDojo’s career fairs, we believe in the power of attitude. Skills can be honed, but attitude is innate. Discover candidates with the winning attitude that fits your dealership's culture!

Why Choose In-Person Career Fairs for Automotive Hiring?

Online recruiting tools have their place, but dealerships need more than just skills on paper—they require individuals with charisma, motivation, and a fantastic attitude. Our career fairs bridge this gap by connecting you with candidates who embody these qualities.

"Hire for Attitude, Train for Skills"

Your dealership needs individuals who not only possess the necessary knowledge but also embody the spirit and energy that drive success. Our recruiting solution aligns with this philosophy. We curate career fairs that allow you to meet candidates who bring both attitude and potential, enabling you to mold them into the perfect fit for your team.


Everything you need to know about the Career Fairs.

  • How are RevDojo’s Career Fairs different from online recruiting?

  • How do Automotive Career Fairs work?

  • What positions can be filled with RevDojo’s recruiting solutions?

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